Feeling a shift in balance? It’s an equinox…

It’s the Autumn Equinox, (in the Northern Hemisphere) the time of year when we sense the shift in the seasons, our moods and our lifestyles… It’s when plants and trees are slowing down as sunlight decreases to get ready for the colder season ahead. We too are being called to slow down and turn inward but how we choose to do that nowadays is somewhat confusing in today’s hectic modern world.

(I’ll share a ritual for the Autumn Equinox with you shortly, read on…)

An Equinox is an astrological event that happens when the Sun crosses what we call the “celestial equator”—an imaginary extension of Earth’s equator line into space. The Equinox occurs precisely when the Sun’s centre passes through this line which means that both day and night are roughly equal in length across both the northern and southern hemispheres. The word “equinox” comes from Latin aequus, meaning “equal,” and nox, ”night”.

Although at an equinox day and night, light and dark are almost equal this is not an invitation to strive for balance but instead appreciating that balance is always shifting. Think of Libra’s scales, the next sign of the zodiac we will be moving through. Where can you find a sense of flow or harmony in your life, no matter how small?

The Autumn Equinox falls close to a New Moon too, (25th September, 05.55 am in the UK), making this a perfect time to set or renew your intentions and refocus on your desires.

After the autumnal equinox, days become shorter than nights as the Sun continues to rise later and nightfall arrives earlier. This ends with the Winter Solstice (21st December) after which days start to grow longer once again. We are in a constant state of change, a cycle of seasons, feeling, moods, needs and desires, Where can you create space to pause and process your own experience of this cycle so far?


I see this time of year as an invitation to embrace the darker nights and slow down, not something many of us find easy to do. It’s a chance to honour the parts of yourself that feel a deep desire to hibernate and the aspects of yourself that might feel darker or more shadowy.

This is about recognising that without darkness there is no need for light, the two must go hand-in-hand.

We all have our darker days, maybe you are in one now. Honour these feelings and explore ways to create space for the light to come in.

How are you being called to slow down? Something as simple as a cold or a headache can be a nudge from your body to slow down. Technology playing up, losing your keys or feeling overwhelmed are other ways we are being guided to take a moment or a few, to pause.

What isn’t feeling good for you right now, or has felt sticky and challenging over the past few weeks, or months?

What can you take from this experience, what are you being shown that needs to be released or how are you being held back from moving forward?

That’s a big one, I know!


I guess this will shed some light on why I chose Equinox for the name and theme of the next retreat. The intention is to encourage you to embrace your whole self as you learn how to move with your shadows and through the darker days, both physically and emotionally, with more ease.

This retreat welcomes the transition from who you are to who you choose to be. The practices you will explore with me will supercharge your energy and your intentions so you can move forward with a deeper connection to your-Self. I will guide you as you reflect on your experience so far and renew your intentions for the rest of your year.


If you’d like to connect with the energy of the Autumnal Equinox tonight or over the next few days here’s a little ritual for you to explore…

(Read through this and plan to give yourself time to do this later)

Make time to spend time in nature, ideally take a walk but if you only have a few minutes this will be enough too.

Be mindful about your time outside, treat it as though it is a brand new experience, and invite curiosity.

Notice colours, shapes, shadows, light, smells and sounds. Look around and notice anything that reminds you of the change of the seasons and summons up nostalgia and the feeling of new beginnings.

You can do this next part at home or outside in nature if you choose…

Take 3 pieces of paper and a pen

Close down your eyes and ground yourself.

Place a hand on your belly and a hand on your heart space.

Slow down your breathing.

Sense into the support beneath you and if you’re seated lean back or ‘give in’ to the support behind, you even more.

Take 5 slow deep breaths now, inhale for 4 exhale for 6…

Notice the flow of your breath, and become aware of your whole body from the top of your head down to your feet on the floor.

When you feel calm and aware ask yourself the following questions…

Firstly, ask yourself; What you are choosing to honour or embrace positively for the coming weeks? This is your first intention.

Next, ask yourself; What are you being shown that needs to be released in some way? This is your 2nd intention.

Lastly, consider the life you desire, the hopes and aspirations you have for yourself and your life in the coming weeks or months. What are you choosing to embody, call in, and receive more of, in your life? It could be a behaviour, a feeling, a sense of purpose, a job, a relationship, wealth, health...

Take your time to reflect and allow your answers to come naturally.

Write each intention on a slip of paper, don’t rush this part, feel into the words as you write them.

Fold them up and you can either place them in a special box with your crystals and other sacred items or burn them to release them to the Universe and Mother Nature. Do this safely, obviously!


You can journal on anything else that came up for you in that experience and please know that your intentions can change as you do, remember we are cyclical beings after all!

Although there is no limit to how often you can choose to set or renew your intentions (you will naturally do this more often as you learn to become more self-aware), you don’t want to overwhelm yourself because they will start to feel like things ‘to-do'. My suggestion is to choose 1-3 personal and positive intentions that feel really good for you and go from there.

The last note from me is, there’s an old wives’ tale that you can stand an egg on its end on an equinox… So, for a less spiritual ritual and a bit of fun, give it a go!

Sending love, gratitude and light to you, and all your gorgeous darker parts!



Learning how to be more self-aware starts with slowing down.


Why it’s so difficult to make time for yourself