The Blog.
Can journalling support my wellbeing and help get me out of my head?
Journaling for me is a release; my thoughts become words on a page that are no longer swirling around in my head. Our thoughts cross the bridge into our bodies, reminding us that body-mind is one and the same. If you can learn to change your thoughts you can change how we are feeling, but first, you need to recognise how your thoughts are impacting your well-being.
Creating space for change.
Creating space for change can sound like an unrealistic concept in our modern world yet change is constant. You only need to look around you, at nature to see the signs that everything shifts and nothing stay the same, except perhaps for us. If change is constant it’s no wonder we feel so stuck when we keep doing things the same old things.
Feeling a shift in balance? It’s an equinox…
It’s the Autumn Equinox, (in the Northern Hemisphere) the time of year when we sense the shift in the seasons, our moods and our lifestyles… It’s when plants and trees are slowing down as sunlight decreases to get ready for the colder season ahead. We too are being called to slow down and turn inward but how we choose to do that nowadays is somewhat confusing in today’s hectic modern world.
Reframing your negative self-talk…
Your mind is highly intelligent and incredibly creative. You experience over 6,000 thoughts throughout the day paying attention to only a few which are often either the most unhelpful ones or the all-singing, all-dancing ones. We humans like to play to extremes. Notice I said, ‘experience’…
It’s important to consider a mental thought as something you experience, observing your thoughts and being witness to them rather than allowing your negative thinking to run the show!
Pause + Process: 6 Prompts To Help Process Your Week
The purpose of these prompts is to allow you the headspace to process what you’ve done, achieved, experienced and felt over the last 5-7 days. They invite self-inquiry so a chance to tune in to how you are feeling on all levels; physically, emotionally, mentally. Every week will likely to spark different answers and with them comes a fresh perspective!
Reflecting and processing all that has been in 2020
Grab your journal or some pieces of paper and take yourself somewhere quiet and cosy, maybe take a cuppa and light a candle, this is time to honour what you've been through! The following journal prompts invite a personal reflection on your year and the impact on your wellbeing. Take some slow deep breaths, allow yourself time as you pause, reflect and process all you have experienced in 2020.
The magic of intention.
Every year I start by thinking long and hard about what my intention will be for the year ahead. The is something very exciting about creating the vibe I want to carry through my year, it’s like a cheerleader for every grand plan and unfolding opportunity that lays ahead. If you’ve never set an intention but are someone who loves to set yourself goals, I urge you to try this.