The Blog.
Reflections & Releasing Rituals For The Full Moon
Working with the Full Moon can help release limiting beliefs and renew intentions. The Full Moon serves as a time to shine a light on disempowering narratives and reflect on what is causing self-doubt. This blog shares simple steps to work with the releasing energy of the Full Moon.
The two most important things to focus on if you want to stick to healthy habits this year.
I’m not one for New Year's Resolutions, instead, I tune into how I want to feel and the person I want to be, and I use those intentions as stepping stones to guide me towards my aspirations and goals. These are the two most important things to focus on if you want to stick to new habits, achieve your goals, and create the change you wish to see in your life…
The importance of having a powerful intention and how to create habits you stick to!
How do you want to feel in your body and mind? What ONE change do you want to see or feel in yourself this month? Whatever word you chose to capture how you want to feel or the change you want to see, think about what it will be like to feel or be that way… How would you walk, talk and interact with people? What would you do differently?
Getting crystal clear on what it is you want to feel/be more of this month and why it will benefit you and impact your life creates an empowered intention and something you can connect to more easily, every day.
Feeling a shift in balance? It’s an equinox…
It’s the Autumn Equinox, (in the Northern Hemisphere) the time of year when we sense the shift in the seasons, our moods and our lifestyles… It’s when plants and trees are slowing down as sunlight decreases to get ready for the colder season ahead. We too are being called to slow down and turn inward but how we choose to do that nowadays is somewhat confusing in today’s hectic modern world.