Sticks and Stones
Stick and stones
Will break my bones,
But words
Will never hurt me.
The language we use and how we use it has a huge impact on our mental health. Whether you look at how you talk to yourself; the thoughts you have and the words you use when thinking them, or whether you reflect on how you speak to the people around you, you'll start to notice those words create an emotional response in them and in you, and often a physical one too.
When I experienced bullying as a kid it was physical but as a teen and an adult, it was the words and behaviour that were used which caused me pain.
Bruises heal yet words stick and burrow deep having a lasting impact.
Mum used to say;
“Think before you speak”
I would roll my eyes as a kid but quite honestly I think it’s time we all slowed down and took a moment before we say something we can’t take back. Perhaps you’re quick to judge and make assumptions that could be entirely wrong.
Maybe you struggle to understand why someone is finding something so simple, so hard.
They are not you.
You are not them but imagine if you were.
What would it feel like to hear those words directed at you? Think about it.
You’re mental,
I’m mental,
We’re all mental because we all have MENTAL health!
The only difference between us is our health just as with our bodies;
Head - Brain - Mind = MENTAL
Body - Boobs - Bum = PHYSICAL
Start to pay attention to the words you use day to day, in situations where you may feel stressed, frustrated or angry. Take note of the language you use in particular situations and with certain people. Are those words quite positive or actually rather negative?
How can you change the way you speak to make your words more neutral or more positive?
Let’s lose the stigmatised language to lose the shame we put on people for how they feel.
Who's with me?
Big Love,
Becki Marie