The Blog.


Hibernation Mode: Slowing Down for Radical Rest and Renewal

As winter arrives, nature encourages us to slow down, yet many of us keep pushing forward. In this post, I explore why embracing rest is crucial for our well-being, especially during the colder months. Learn about seven types of rest—from physical to spiritual—and discover simple ways to recharge, reset, and find balance. It's time to activate hibernation mode and prioritise rest to finish the year feeling grounded, not burned out.

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3 bonkers decisions I made for my mental health, that have changed my life.

This week Big Love Movement turned 3. Three years since we were about to go into lockdown, I decided it would be a fantastic time to get Big Love Movement off the ground. I saw it as a nudge from the Universe and it worked, we’re still here and growing.

This week marks the Spring Equinox, a time of new beginnings and a New Moon. I love this time of year but until recently I had no idea how significant it was to me…

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Mental health is not as simple as good and bad.

On any given day a stressful experience can knock you off balance and that can be internal or external, it won’t always be obvious to everyone else to see.

This is why mental health is not as simple as good or bad.

Awareness, empathy, compassion and resources are what we need so we can help ourselves and each other move through the inevitable challenges we face and rise when we stumble.

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Becki Douglas Becki Douglas

Two of the most important things you can do stick to your intentions and new habits

Two of the most important things you can do to help yourself create and stick to your intentions and new habits are to reduce your stress levels and get good quality sleep. For some of you, me included this is going to pose a problem because getting a good night’s sleep consistently and feeling less stressed day to day are two of the biggest challenges you might be faced with right now.

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Becki Douglas Becki Douglas

If finding time to look after yourself is your biggest challenge, you need to read this!

If finding time to look after yourself is your biggest challenge let me suggest you create pockets of time just for you because the last thing you need is self-care to be another thing to add to your to-do list! How can you use one of these snippets of time to do something that will improve your mood or help you to feel present so you are able to be more of how you want to feel?

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Becki Douglas Becki Douglas

The importance of having a powerful intention and how to create habits you stick to!

How do you want to feel in your body and mind? What ONE change do you want to see or feel in yourself this month? Whatever word you chose to capture how you want to feel or the change you want to see, think about what it will be like to feel or be that way… How would you walk, talk and interact with people? What would you do differently?

Getting crystal clear on what it is you want to feel/be more of this month and why it will benefit you and impact your life creates an empowered intention and something you can connect to more easily, every day.

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Becki Douglas Becki Douglas

Feeling festive or are you feeling frazzled?

Are you feeling festive or frazzled? When you are so busy it can be hard to wind down and de-stress because your body is fired up and not able to fully rest and recover. This is where mindfulness can be helpful and has been proven to reduce stress. Mindfulness gives you time to reset and rebalance and helps shift your perspective. Here are three simple ways you can practice mindfulness over the festive period to help you feel calmer and more centred.

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Can journalling support my wellbeing and help get me out of my head?

Journaling for me is a release; my thoughts become words on a page that are no longer swirling around in my head. Our thoughts cross the bridge into our bodies, reminding us that body-mind is one and the same. If you can learn to change your thoughts you can change how we are feeling, but first, you need to recognise how your thoughts are impacting your well-being.

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Easing self-doubt and not feeling good enough.

Are there days when your mind simply won’t shut up?
Do you get stuck in your head and start to doubt yourself?
Are your thoughts often racing so much it’s hard to keep up?
The thoughts you have, especially self-critical ones, play havoc with your well-being changing how you breathe, and the way you behave and impacting your mood. Your breath gets faster, your chest feels tight and your stomach ends up in knots. These physical changes in your body are reactions to your thoughts…

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How to create self-care habits you stick to?

Making time for yourself isn't easy, even though you know you need to. Let’s be honest, knowing what you need and when you need it can be a challenge. It’s easy to keep pushing on when things need to get done and get swept up in the fear of not having enough time. With all that you are doing, where are you giving yourself space to be restored, feel energised, uplifted and reconnected?

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Becki Douglas Becki Douglas

Learning how to be more self-aware starts with slowing down.

Self-awareness happens in the slowing down.

Understanding your personal seasons gives you more appreciation for your emotional well-being. This gives you more creative and intuitive control over your life and inner landscape allowing you to rebalance and reconnect with less effort, more often.

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Becki Douglas Becki Douglas

Why it’s so difficult to make time for yourself

"Why is it so difficult to make time for myself?" Does this sound familiar to you? I know it does for me! This sentence has been said to me in many ways, many times over the past few weeks, it's something we all seem to struggle with. I know this feeling all too well, and although nowadays some would call me selfish with my time, my well-being is patting me on the way!

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Courage emerges from the depths of your fear

I want to say I didn’t have a plan and that people didn’t call me mad but neither of those things is true. There was definitely a plan and people definitely called me mad, bonkers and brave. On a side note, I think brave is the polite way of saying “You’re mad”, or maybe, “You’re mad but you inspire me anyway”. All I knew was something had to change because I was so stressed.

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YOGA Becki Douglas YOGA Becki Douglas

Do you feel self-conscious?

Does feeling self-conscious mean you resist doing something that you know will do you good?

Feeling self-conscious can be about your mood or how you feel about your body, it might be about how you feel IN your body if you are working with an injury or feeling less mobile in your body. Feeling self-conscious can be about many things and it’s the mix of thoughts in your mind and feelings in your body that makes you want to avoid doing something new.

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Becki Douglas Becki Douglas

Self-care, from buzzword to non-negotiable.

How you choose to take care of yourself depends on what makes you feel good, what helps you relax, what energises and replenishes you. Self-care is unique and personal, it’s also seasonal. With a shift in seasons comes a need to alter how we do things in reflection of how we are feeling within that transition.

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