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Sleep Sanctuary (virtual workshop experience)

Sleep Sanctuary

A restorative online retreat of yoga and mindfulness for better sleep. Remind your body how to relax and learn how to unwind your mind with simple and soothing self-care practices; a dreamy blend of meditation, yoga, mindfulness and Yoga Nidra; that will leave you feeling refreshed, rested, and ready for some deep sleep.


Do you love to sleep but getting a full night of it feels like a dream?

Do you struggle to switch off and wind down at the end of the day?

Are you a light sleeper and nothing keeps you awake like your anxious mind?

Are you feeling stressed out, exhausted, and ready for some YOU time and rest?

Sleep… is the longest period of time we give ourselves to switch off, rest and repair. This dreamy period of sleep however doesn’t always go to plan especially when your body is holding on to elements of stress from the day. This is when your worries disturb your sleep and the time your body gets to spend in “maintenance mode” (aka restoration).

Together, from the comfort of your home, we will explore gentle and nurturing practices to help unwind your mind and remind your body how to relax. We will invite in dreamy visualisation through the ancient spiritual practice of Yoga Nidra and unravel tension from your body with a mindfully restorative movement session.

Roll out your yoga mat, gather the cushions, blankets and an eye pillow, and build yourself a den as I share my soothing techniques to send you off to sleep and help you get the rest you need through the night.

I’ll share simple tools and sleep tips to help you create a bedtime routine that feels easy. I’ll guide you through a restorative yoga flow and a soothing breath sequence before you float into a deeply restorative session of Yoga Nidra; a meditative practice easing you into a dreamy state of deep relaxation.

What is challenging you most right now?

There maybe several, simply answer from your heart…

  • Money worries

  • Family worries

  • Self-doubt

  • No time to rest and take care of myself

  • Too much on my mind

  • Work stress

  • Discomfort and pain in my body

  • Not getting enough sleep

  • Racing or anxious thoughts

  • Trouble switching off and falling sleeping

  • Waking up in the night and not being able to drift back off

If you want to feel calmer, clear your mind, and sleep better, this is for you.


How your evening with me will be…

Log on, snuggle up and settle in, why not bring a cup of cocoa?

Have a journal? Bring it along!

We’ll begin at 7.30pm with…

  • Journaling: Rest + Reflect

  • Yoga Flow: Bedtime Ritual

  • Grounding breath meditation

  • Yoga Nidra and dreamy visualisation

Bedtime is 9.30pm ;-)

This is your sleep sanctuary, my friend.



When: Sunday 26th March @ 7.30pm

Duration: 2 hours

Where: Online, (via zoom) join me from your duvet, your sofa or wherever you choose to create your sanctuary.

Investment: £33

Can’t join us live? Don’t worry, the recording, worksheets and playlist will be sent to your inbox for you to explore in your own time, or replay if choosing to go deeper in to the practices I’ll share.


8 March

Self-Care Circle (virtual session)

12 April

Self-Care Circle (virtual session)