The Blog.
The truth I’ve been hiding… and it makes me practice EVERYTHING I preach!
Four years ago I resigned as a Fashion Buyer and everyone thought I was mad because I didn’t want another job, instead I’d decided to redesign my career… The truth is my new career can be stressful but here’s what I’ve learnt over the last few years of juggling my business and my freelance work…
3 bonkers decisions I made for my mental health, that have changed my life.
This week Big Love Movement turned 3. Three years since we were about to go into lockdown, I decided it would be a fantastic time to get Big Love Movement off the ground. I saw it as a nudge from the Universe and it worked, we’re still here and growing.
This week marks the Spring Equinox, a time of new beginnings and a New Moon. I love this time of year but until recently I had no idea how significant it was to me…
Courage emerges from the depths of your fear
I want to say I didn’t have a plan and that people didn’t call me mad but neither of those things is true. There was definitely a plan and people definitely called me mad, bonkers and brave. On a side note, I think brave is the polite way of saying “You’re mad”, or maybe, “You’re mad but you inspire me anyway”. All I knew was something had to change because I was so stressed.