The Blog.

Becki Douglas Becki Douglas

How to be an Advocate for Your Mental Health Through Body-Mind Awareness

Mental health is a continuum like the four seasons. We can experience all seasons in one day. Often woven throughout a stormy week or reflected by our inner seasons across the month. They can shape our year naturally and sporadically, personally and externally. Finding compassion for yourself and acknowledging your life experiences is how you learn to embrace your wobbles, becoming an advocate for yourself and your emotional well-being.

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Becki Douglas Becki Douglas

Self-awareness is the foundation of your health and well-being.

In our modern world, finding a reason to doubt yourself and feel like you’re not good enough is almost too easy. Comparison, self-doubt, anxiety, stress… they aren’t issues of the mind but of the whole body. Sometimes you need to step back, drop from your head into your body, and hit the reset button. Here’s how self-awareness develops emotional resilience and helps us to embrace change.

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Becki Douglas Becki Douglas

The Beauty of Simple Self Care

The beauty of simple self-care lies in its accessibility. Learn to embrace imperfection, tune into your needs, and nurture yourself with kindness through easy, practical acts of self-love.

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Becki Douglas Becki Douglas

The Power of Your Breath

When your thoughts start to race your well-being shifts, and the scales tip towards fight-flight (your activation, high-alert mode) and it can feel like brain gremlins that have taken up residence in your head! Learn how intentional breathing can be your powerful ally, reducing stress while empowering you to flow through life's challenges with unwavering presence and poise. Inhale confidence, exhale chaos - this mindful practice will revolutionize your ability to stay centered amidst any storm.

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Becki Douglas Becki Douglas

Easing the Mind, Healing the Body.

Explores 9 powerful techniques for managing stress stress and easing anxiety through building mind-body awareness. Through practices ranging from conscious breathing and mindful movement to sensory grounding, these practices will help you tap into your innate capacity for resilience and inner calm

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Becki Douglas Becki Douglas

Radical Rest: Normalising rest as a productive part of being

In this blog I explore the concept of "Radical Rest" – a conscious approach to self-care that prioritises consistent practices of physical, mental, emotional, sensory, social, creative, and spiritual rest. Move beyond superficial trends and curated illusions to cultivate true well-being in a hectic modern world.

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Becki Douglas Becki Douglas

Reconnecting with Your Body Through Mindfulness and Somatic Movement

Feeling disconnected from yourself? Reconnect with your body through the potent mindbody practices of mindfulness and somatic movement. This transformative guide, filled with expert techniques, shows you how to reduce stress, release stuck emotions, and reignite your innate vitality by tuning into the profound wisdom of your physical form. Reunite your mind, body, and soul

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Becki Douglas Becki Douglas

Learning How to Rest

In our relentless hustle culture, true rest is often overlooked as a luxury. However, learning how to properly rest is crucial for avoiding burnout and sustaining our well-being amidst life's demands. This blog post explores the seven essential types of rest - physical, mental, social, creative, emotional, sensory, and spiritual - that we all need to regularly incorporate.

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Becki Douglas Becki Douglas

Sussing out your unique stress signals

Finding calm amid the chaos of modern life is more important than ever when life gets stressful. Recognising the subtle signals from your body when life starts weighing you down will conserve precious energy down the road. Exploring, getting curious, and learning the tools that support you will sustain your health and well-being. Appreciating the weight of your to-do list will help you find the contrasting activities to counterbalance it all. Changing anything starts with an awareness that something is out of sorts.

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How to turn a habit into a lifestyle and help to reduce your cortisol levels

Knowing something is good for you is not always enough to form a habit. However, through experience and exploration, you can get a deeper understanding of the physiological and emotional benefits and begin to integrate that knowledge into your body. 

Stress is a natural state we are designed to move through although our capacity to ride the waves of life can fluctuate. With modern life a mishmash of emotions and distractions it’s easy to detach from how we are feeling. Learning how to lower your cortisol levels and improve your mood is how you can turn a healthy habit into a mindful lifestyle.

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Becki Douglas Becki Douglas

Healthy habits for better sleep and restoration.

Sleep is the longest time we give ourselves to switch off, rest and repair however this dreamy period of rest doesn’t always go to plan especially when your body is holding on to elements of stress from your day. This is when your thoughts disturb your sleep and the time your body gets in maintenance mode. Sleep wellness is having a moment and I’m all for it. Here I share healthy habits for better sleep and restoration.

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The two most important things to focus on if you want to stick to healthy habits this year.

I’m not one for New Year's Resolutions, instead, I tune into how I want to feel and the person I want to be, and I use those intentions as stepping stones to guide me towards my aspirations and goals. These are the two most important things to focus on if you want to stick to new habits, achieve your goals, and create the change you wish to see in your life…

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Three steps to moving through anxious feelings with more self-love.

Stress is an everyday process your body is designed to flow in and out of, but that doesn’t mean it’s any more pleasant when it does show up! Learning to recognise your body’s unique nudges allows you to consciously (and compassionately) respond to what you’re feeling and rebalance rather than unconsciously reacting to your experience.

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Becki Douglas Becki Douglas

Emotions aren’t a one-way street! How your brain listens to your body and how you can change how you feel…

We think our brain tells our body what to do, perhaps because it feels like our brain is on overdrive chattering away worrying, planning and overthinking every possible scenario.

The truth is, your body sends more messages to your brain than the other way around… Emotions aren’t a one-way street, however, the good news is, we can send messages to our brain from our body to change our stress levels, mood and thoughts.

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Stress is a jittery creature called Stacey, that lives in my legs…

How stress shows up and learning to recognise and respond to your stress signals.

Stress is an everyday process your body is built to flow in and out of, naturally, the problem is you can end up spending more time there than your body would like you to. Understanding how stress shows up and impacts your body invites self-awareness helping you embrace your wobbles and live your life with more connection and balance.

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